Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779

 If you are visiting this page because you are concered about the wellbeing or safety of a child, please contact school.

Alternatively, you can click on the link below to report and issue or identify a concern to RMBC.

If you are concerned about an incident online or a child has been contacted inappropriately use the following link to access the Child Online Exploitation and Online Protection Command reporting page.

How do we look after our children at Anston Park?


All adults in school have the responsibility of making sure that our school community is safe. If you have any concerns, your first contact should be your child's class teacher. You can contact them by telephoning school on 01909 550779. You can also email the school and any concerns will be passed on: 

If you need further support or information key members of staff responsible for safeguarding in school are:

Mr. Cousins - Designated safeguarding lead

Mrs. Corbiere - Deputy safeguarding lead

Mr. French - Assistant Head 

We are part of Operation Encompass. This means that if a child is present when the Police are called to a domestic violence incident then school will be informed. We will not be given any details regarding the incident but can be aware that the child may need to spend time with our Learning Mentor. If you have any worries, please contact the school and you will be supported confidentially. 

Keeping all members of our school community safe is one of our core school aims. Through the curriculum; behaviour and relationships policy;              anti-bullying policy and our 'lived values' in school we aim to achieve this important goal. Our school community - children and adults - achieve our aim by committing to our school values:


These values are developed through the National and School Curriculum. Children are given opportunities to develop these core values through a range of assemblies, themed-days, activities and learning opportunities in and beyond the curriculum. Children are supported to develop their respect for others and to develop positive, respectful and supportive relationships with others in PSHE and RE lessons and as part of the wider curriculum. 


To keep everyone safe, we teach children that actions have consequences. We aim to promote our high expectations of behaviour and self belief by recognising the positive. We recognise and value behaviour that demonstrates our core values in many ways including promoting individual responsibility e.g. children becoming Learning Ambassadors, Reading Mentors or Sports Leaders.

We recognise that mistakes are sometimes made. We aim to keep everyone safe when this happens by following our behaviour policy. You can click here to visit our policy page.

When mistakes are made and sanctions are given we aim to ensure that the unacceptable behaviour is understood and lessons are learnt. We follow a 'restorative model of justice' to ensure that children understand why consequences are given and to learn from their mistakes. 


Whatever the situation, we encourage and expect everyone involved to interact with each other with respect. Relationships in school are based on mutual respect particularly when trying to resolve problems or conflicts.



Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Anston Park Junior School. If bullying does occur all incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. The school actively implements its anti-bullying policy and has clear pathways for reporting, which are known to all members of the school community. If a crime has been committed during the bullying incident, the Community Police Officer will be involved as appropriate. Parents/Carers, you can review the anti-bullying policy on our policies page by clicking here.


In school, to make sure that everyone understands how to stand up to bullying we share a child friendly version of the policy with all children. You can see a copy below.


You can find more information by visiting the Anti-Bullying Alliance website. Just click on the image below and you will be re-directed.



As part of our curriculum, we teach children to understand what bullying is. We regularly engage children in lessons about bullying, its effects and how to stand up to bullying. We explain to children that not all mean behaviour is bullying - but it is important to know what bullying is and what to do about it.


Some useful documents for dealing with conflict are here:

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We hope that during their time with us, children will develop a strong self-belief and an understanding and empathy for others. 


Other sources of support for keeping children safe can be found below. Please click on the image to visit the website.

