Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779

Useful Forms 

Holidays - Exceptional leave of absence in term time

Q: What must I do if I wish to request exceptional leave of absence ?

A: Fill in this form and return it to school at least 2 weeks in advance of the first day of the proposed absence. 

Q: Why must I ask for the school’s permission?

A: By law your child should be in school for 190 days of the year. Permission for holidays will not usually be granted. 


Leave of absence form

Please pick the leave of absence form from the reception area or download it from the link below.

Please note Y6 children will be expected to be in school for SAT week.

Leave of Absence Request Form

 FSM applications


You can claim free school meals for a child who lives with you and who you are responsible for. Please use this link to apply

Your claim will be automatically processed if you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction and get any of the qualifying benefits.


Your child is eligible for Free School Meals if you get one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and have an annual gross income, of no more than £16,190 (as of 2014 financial year) as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs 

All children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.

However, as pupil premium is an important payment for schools - and a really good opportunity for eligible parents to get even more support for their children in school - it is important that you still apply if your child is in Key Stage 1. If your child is in Key Stage 1 and you do not apply, your child's school will not be able to claim the appropriate child premium and will have less money to spend on supporting children in school.




General guidance on showing children's photographs on the website


The school will only publish photographs of children's work on the school Twitter feed with the child's class and name as no photographs of children will be tweeted without permission to do so. A letter has been sent out to all parents (see below) detailing that if you would like your child to publish photos of your child around school and publish photographs online then they will need to opt in and give written consent to allow this to happen. If the consent form isn't sent back into school, the school will not publish any photos of your child which means they will not be on class photos that are due to be displayed on the website/around school or will not be evident on the school blog when the Y6 children go to Whitby. If you opt into this and then decide further down the line that you want to remove your child from having their photographs displayed, please pop into the school office and let them know. Please return this form as soon as you can to the school office so that the list of children can be populated. You will only be asked to do this once while your child is in our school (from now on) as it will last them until they leave in Y6.