Subject Leader: Miss Martin
“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” Theodore Roosevelt
History is a construct. It is about real people, places and events. It is all around us. At Anston Park, we aim to instil in our pupil’s enthusiasm, curiosity and an understanding of these aspects in a variety of times and environments. Our history curriculum is split into three main strands: historical knowledge, historical concepts and historical enquiry.
Historical Knowledge: Through the teaching of history, which is informed by the National Curriculum, Rising Stars and, where possible, pupil’s interests and the local area, pupils will understand that they are the characters in the narrative of shaping the future. They will be inspired to think of consequences on a greater scale and consider their role both now and in the future. Linking to our curriculum drivers, we aim to create a framework of knowledge and understanding into which pupils can place new information. This particularly applies to the chronological understanding of British, local and world history. Pupils should be able to identify trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. This knowledge will allow them to organise their understanding of the past and articulate how one period links to another. It is important, however, that our pupils are not taught about the past as a series of uncontested facts or list of dates that must be memorised. They must have an understanding of history as a construct. They need to know that the story of the past can be told differently and that history is created from the evidence that remains. This evidence then requires judgements about its accuracy and reliability. In turn, this will help pupils understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of society and the relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity of the challenges of their time. Historical Concepts: Within history, pupils will develop a deep understanding of key concepts. These concepts have been carefully considered and identified as the core knowledge and skills to provide lenses through which to consider different aspects of history. First order (substantive) concepts help pupils to organise information by creating schemas and sticky webs of information. When teaching, we ensure that both substantive and disciplinary concepts are combined and built upon each year as we recognise that one is meaningless without the other. As a result of our spiral curriculum, key concepts are also revisited across different units and year groups to ensure understanding is fully embedded within the long-term memory. Pupils will also be introduced to subject specific (tier 3) vocabulary. Substantive Knowledge - also referred to as first-order concepts, relates to abstract concepts which occur frequently throughout studying history. Substantive concepts have specific meanings in different contexts rather than existing as definitions.
History is a construct. It is not the story of what happened in the past; it is how people have interpreted the fragments of the past that have been left behind. So that our pupils can gain an understanding of what history is, they need to know how historians work. Pupils undertake historical enquiry so that they actually do history. Through this method, pupils are shown how to ask questions, select and evaluate evidence and to make judgments about the past. It also acts as an opportunity to show that there is often more than one side to a story and that history is multi-perspective. |
National Curriculum
The link and document below outlines the National Curriculum for History in England.
Our Journey Through the Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed, using Rising Stars, to enable pupils to acquire a rich web of knowledge as the sequence and selection of topics builds on previous units and feeds forward into future learning. British history follows a chronological approach to support pupils in developing a clear long-term narrative across history. Each year group studies a theme of British history beyond 1066 every summer term, with two of those taught as local history units. These are taught later in the year to facilitate the introduction of fieldwork. The units also become increasingly more challenging as pupils engage with a broader range and more complex sources of evidence. Some units are taught within UKS2 due to their more challenging themes and concepts. For example, migration and refugees in the Y5 ‘Journeys’ unit and government and democracy in the Y6 ‘Ancient Greeks’ unit.
The documents below show how the topics have been mapped out across each year group and term.